Monday, February 14, 2011

Sugar Ray Every Morning

Wow! Today I whipped out an awesome oldschool rock album featuring some cool electric guitar and catchy beats: Sugar Ray - 14:59.

I fired up the song "Every Morning" for a start. The song is awesome. The drums are almost like a hip hop rock, maybe a mix between hip hop and alternative?

There's all kinds of electric guitar palm mutes and reverb effects. The acoustic guitar played throughout the song is very clean and catchy as well.

Let's see what else we've got on this album....

Okay I've landed on "Someday". The clean picked acoustic guitar forms an extremely catchy riff. They drop it at the first verse and then it comes back in half way through....then they drop it again! These guys like to tease the ears, which is an extremely powerful way to sell your music.

Once again, in this song we seem to have a hip hop style drum beat in the background. Even though Mark Mcgrath sings to the beat, it can easily be rapped to.

That's it for now.

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